At church here recently we had a guest speaker. He spoke on hope. How high was our expectations in God? For some that may sound like we are just expecting him to do stuff for us. Almost like it is a demand. I'm here to tell you it is not a demand. It is a hope in his word. It's a knowing that his word is true. It is looking at his promises and seeing it is yes and amen when he says something.
The word says to meditate, to think on his word day and night (Joshua 1:8). It also says that the law should not depart from your mouth. These promises he has should be coming out of your mouth so that you and can go back in your own ears. I picture this happening over and over. It creates a snow ball effect. It gets bigger and bigger on the inside of you. It penetrates your soul (mind, will, and emotions) searching out what does not line up with the word and bringing it to the light. As it comes to the surface you recognize the areas that needs to be changed and you have a choice to pivot one way or another there.
Should you choose to pivot toward God, you are choosing to walk in a state of hope, of expectation, of peace, of faith. I see all of these being intertwined together. You know that you know that God is working. That you there is nothing that can come at you that won't bounce off. That shield of faith spoken of in the word is up. You are speaking the words continuously so your sword is constantly ready. Just as Abraham was credited righteous just for believing in a promise that was so far fetched, your breast place of righteousness is intact. No matter what it looks like in the natural at the moment, you know that God is working on your behalf in the spiritual. Then the shoes of peace. You know that you have favor because of God. You have favor because you are taking the steps needed to allow God to work. You are in peace. You may be in a storm, but you are in peace. Feelings, yes, may be raging inside of you that says opposite. You are still choosing to speak and think on the word of God. Due to this your expectations rise higher and more prevalent then those feelings. Hope arises takes its place causing faith to build what God is wanting to build. Causing action to happen.
Stand strong in expectation on what God can do. One last thing to add. The word clearly states this. Romans 5 says that "Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us". Everything we go through in life may not be fun, but if our hearts are in the right place through it then you will not be put to shame. You actually will develop a heart of grace and motivation to see God's Word be manifested more. You will have a patience that arises in you, because you know that God's timing and way is way better then anything you could have planned. Your hope will come through in a way that will make everybody around ask what is it about you. That is the way God works. He works an impossible situation into a beautiful possible story.