Years ago In a women’s Sunday School class we were discussing women in the Bible and how Jael killed Sisera with a tent peg (Judges 4:19). We made jokes that we should keep a tent peg in our purse for emergencies. Recently the Lord showed me that a tent peg is so much more.
Zechariah 10:4 "From them will come the cornerstone, From them the tent peg, From them the bow of battle, From them every ruler, all of them together." ( NASB )
After I read that verse that I know I’ve read before, the Lord stopped me in my tracks. Tent peg. I’ve always heard Jesus referred to as a cornerstone and I get it, vaguely. I don’t use cornerstones, my house doesn’t have one, so to me it’s just a general reference. A tent peg is a different story, I’ve dealt with those firsthand. If you have every fought with a tent and lost then you get it. Or, if you ever left

the bag with the stakes or pegs at home you get it. Without the pegs you just have a hot mess, but when you put those pegs in the corners and at the end of the guy lines you have a stable and secure shelter. That’s a great analogy for a life with Christ. When we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior He brings stability and peace. We can rest in the fact that we have a security we can count on. Storms can blow and our little tent of life may sway a bit, but Jesus our tent peg always holds firm.
If you are on the outside looking in and wondering how this can be true I pray you seek Jesus out today. He is right there waiting for you to come to Him.
-Tracy Baker