Who are you? We have so many things that can describe who we are. For me here are some things that can describe me. I am a woman. I am a wife. I am a daughter. I am an office manager. I am 32 years old at the moment. I am a brunette (with the silver the trying to take over). I am 5' 3". I am a chicken lady (I own chickens and love it). This is a short description that can describe, with me being able to add a couple of talents and many flaws that a human being could use to describe me.
It has been a hard journey. Lots of recalibrating in my mind. Many days having to remind myself who I really am beyond what the naked eye sees. I am getting better at knowing who I am. I am God's child. Scripture says it. On a previous post I said that God is a god of his word. If I'm going to believe one scripture, I've got to believe them all. He says in Jeremiah that he knew Jeremiah before he was even formed in his mother’s womb. This is the same thing for each of us. Then He goes on to let his people know in 2 Corinthians 6:18, "And I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty".

God loves me and you and thinks great things of both of us! Joyce Meyer wrote a book called "Battlefield of the Mind". This is so true! Our mind tends to want to gravitate toward the things that bind us down. That keeps us in chains. Some examples of this are thinking that you are no good. That no one will ever love you unconditionally. That you have made to many mistakes. That you are not talented. That you don’t have any kind worth. The list can go on and on with thoughts like this.
God does not want us to think this way. He wants us to recognize when we did something out of his will, ask for forgiveness, and move on. Condemnation and being so critical of yourself will do nothing to help you move forward.

My husband is very gracious. I can be a bit mouthy. I’m in a season that I’m trying to learn not to go off of feelings. To keep my peace. A couple of days ago I got out of my peace. I got into my feelings. Then I had to apologize. That’s what I tend to do, let my feelings steer me then feel super bad. The truth is I don’t necessarily always say something hurtful. I just know I should have stayed calm and let the moment pass. Let the feeling pass. Then I feel bad because I don’t keep my composure. So, I apologized to him. He said, “Babe, it is fine, leave it in the past”.
That is what God does. We came to him and apologized, and he says ok now let’s move on. So, we are forgiven. Daily there are new mercies. Daily there are new opportunities to work at being better in that area. Daily we can be transformed.
We are his children. A good parent recognizes that the young child needs grace. Needs guidance. That they are going to slip up, but you correct and move forward. We are his. When we accept Jesus as the savior we step into the family, and we are forever more his. This is a concept that each of us need to learn. Who we are. Though words like woman, wife, daughter, and office manager describe us. Our identity is deeper than that. We are defined by the blood of Jesus. The healing and resurrecting power of Jesus. It saved us and sets us apart from everything and everyone else.