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Be Willing

Anxiety is so frequent. Honestly, I don't know if I had anxiety that much as a kid, but I recognize it in myself the older I get. There are pressures everywhere. Pressures to look and act a certain way. Pressures at work, at home, in groups of people. Trying to accomplish daily task. Dreaming and setting goals for the future. All of these can be daunting.

I believe when God created Adam and Eve in the Garden, he did not want life to be daunting. It actually should have been easy peasy. What did they do, though? They tried to take matters in their own hands. They listened to a voice besides the voice of God. What happened then? They got kicked out of the perfect haven.

God has a peaceful, joyful life for each and everyone of us. A life that is not necessarily easy, but still obtainable. How do we obtain this life? Through following his word and the voice of the Holy Spirit. If you read my last post, you read about growth. How we are part of God's body. How we are the hands. The ones that put His plan into motion here on earth. They call us peculiar for a reason. We are not made to look like the world. We are made to look like God. All people want to be different, right? To stand out. So, what have people done? They started straying away from God's word, and doing their own thing. To be different, to take control of their own lives.

How can we truly stand out and be different, though? We follow after God. Like I said at the beginning of the post God has an obtainable, joyful, peaceful life for us. We have to be willing to be led. Here that word? Willing. Willing means taking your own will, and lining it up with the Fathers. Be willing to set aside your pride, emotions, goals and ask God what His is. You may have to wait a little longer to reach some of those goals, but I don't think you would have some goals in mind if God didn't place them there. I think he just has a way that will be beneficial to Him, you and others around you.

I taught in church one time about this. I said if we do things God's way it will go smoothly for everyone. I mentioned this. There are red lights in place for a reason. If everyone was going 70 miles per hour through every intersection people would collide. But, if they would follow the law, and stop when directed, then everyone would get to where they are headed safely. That is the same way in life. If we would follow the direction of the Holy Spirit we would be able to obtain everything we need in life without hurting or hindering others on the way.

God said Peace I leave with you. This is how we live a peaceful life. Listening and taking correction from God. Laying down the old and picking up what his plan is for you.

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