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God is His Word

Writer's picture: Living MindfullyLiving Mindfully

John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God.”

Word. That is the “word” that kept popping up. That is the subject and the idea of that sentence. God and the Word. So, what does word mean. I went to and typed in this scripture. I clicked on word and it is translated into logos in the Greek. Now the definition is “a word (as embodying an idea, a statement, a speech.”

I have heard this statement before. God is a man of his “word” right? We want to know who God is right? Here is how we do it. We read his word. The whole idea, the mind, the perspective, and the motive of God is in there.

Second Timothy 3:16 says “All scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, correcting, training in righteousness so that God’s people may be thoroughly equipped for good works.”

God is a god of his word. God is His Word. There is no selfish motive behind his actions. It is for the pure good for all his creation. Each of us in our carnal and fleshly desires, without his knowledge within us, want our way. We tend to want to drift toward me, me, me. Why can’t I have what I want. This is what I feel. This is who I am. We can turn on the news or social media and hear people yelling that continually.

God is His Word

God is not that way. He embodies himself around his word and it does not waver. His word is embodied around love. Love is embodied around so much. With love there is grace. With love there is stability. With love there is correction. With love there is righteousness. When you start to walk in the love of God there is an understanding that becomes so apparent. There is self-control that we did not think we had. You didn’t think you had it. But when situations arise around you, you find yourself stepping into it with a grace you did not have.

God is his word. Because it never wavers and never is screaming me, me, me there is power. He looks way down the road into years to come and makes a way so that all creations well-being is set up for good.

Stay tuned for the our next post as we start talking about how God still wanted Adam and Eve and all his creation with Him, even though they did not listen to his “words” in the beginning. He started setting up his plan for us to step back into his original design. We will talk about Satan and why he hates us very soon also.

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