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Love and Faith, Two and the Same

God has been open my eyes to concepts I thought I knew. Anything we do we learn a concept first, then there are building blocks on top of that concept that we should learn. There are two things that I am learning (I'm sure you are to in some way or another). The two are love and faith. Pretty simple concepts. We learn both terms at a young age. How in depth we learn them depends on how we are raised.

We here the word love from our parents or loved ones as a child. We build upon how they show love toward us. Some peoples foundation of love may not be the same as another.

I am going to show scripture about the term love. I also don't want to seem like all I do is throw out scripture. I think people want others to be real. To show that others go through obstacles in life. In marriage I have had to learn a lot. I have had to learn that the way I receive love is not the way he receives love. I've had to learn that love is not just a feeling. When you say I do for better or worse, that's exactly what you should mean. There are going to be days where one of you don't like the other. That's ok. You can still love someone and not like what they said or did.

I'm writing about love and marriage because that is where I have started to learn the real definition of love more and more. Some of you may not be married. Maybe you need to start learning about love when dealing with people in general. The bible clearly states to love your neighbor as yourself. I could get into a whole different post about loving yourself, because that is something I am familiar with. Everyone wants to love the person they are. Think about others. They want to be loved the way you want to be love.

How do you love? 1 Corinthians 13 says what love is. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." Read those words! Read them again! I have to almost daily! I want to remind myself how to love my husband how to be a good daughter, employee, friend, etc. I still fail daily, but I'm going to push through until Jesus comes back. I'm going to keep on doing my best to love others the way God loves me.

I want to be patient. I want to be kind. I dont want to envy or boast or be proud. I don't want to be self seeking. I want to show others the love they deserve. Whoever may be reading this, I know it can be hard to show love at times. I know some people are very difficult. I know you have been hurt. I get it! The one way to really help others that are difficult, to heal, and to live life is to love to the fullest.

At the beginning I said the two terms that God has been teaching me about is love and faith. Well, love is a big foundation for for faith. The scripture actually says in the love chapter (1 Corinthians 13:2) this, "...If you have faith that can move mountains, but do not love, you have nothing." Faith has to have love to work the way God intended it. God is love. He works through faith, which means faith works through love. You can pretty much say they are intertwined.

Who has been praying for some things to happen. I'm sure everyone if they are not saying a prayer out loud, is wanting something to happen. What if we really started following the way God told us to love. What if we put our faith in love (remember God is love) instead of trying to do what our own peabrain minds think we should do. What if we allowed God to work through us and for us through acting out in love. That's my mindset from this day forward. Is to act in love.

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