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Peace I Give You

Updated: Jan 29, 2021

Peace I give to you. That is what the word tells us. I was driving to work this morning think about the peace of God. How there are those moments where I am at peace in my heart compared to other times. I'm finding myself making an effort to seek out the peace of God. What it means to walk in peace. It's strange the thought that came across my mind as I was thinking about the peace I find myself in. This feeling of peace felt almost uncommon. Don't get me wrong I find myself with this peaceful feeling quiet often. Almost as if it is saturating me.

Almost as often as I find myself with peace, I also find myself in a state of anxiety. The feeling of not being in control of my life makes me feel anxious. Makes me feel out of peace. The way to get back in control ,though, is to give up control. I'm working on keeping this balance of control. Watching my thoughts, words, and actions so that they line up with God more. The full peace scripture I started with in on the post says this, "Peace I give to you, not as the world gives to you do I give to you."

Another scripture states this, "And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” What does the scripture say about guarding your heart? "Guard your heart because all you do comes from it." Lets think about those two scriptures together. Both states that the term guard your heart. One says that you should, meaning you take action. The other says that the peace of God which passes all of our understanding will guard your heart. Walking in God's peace will not always make sense to you, and probably will not make sense to most other people. God knows what he is doing though.

I love scriptures, so you may learn a few if you keep reading my post. The next scripture I recall is a common one. "For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." We get so out of peace and into conflict when someone offends in some way or another. Here we find that we do not fight against people though. It states that there is an unseen world that we come up against. So why are we fighting. Why are we in conflict. Why can't we get along. Well for one pride. Another, familiarity. It is so common to talk about other, fight with others, want to defend ourselves. Don't get me wrong, we should not be pushed around, but God is the judge. He is our defender. He will set things right. If we handle situations the right way, His way, He will make you come out stronger, brighter, and ahead. Getting out of our peace will cause our defense system for our heart to break down. His word states that His peace will guard our hearts. He gives peace not as the world gives. .

As I write this it makes sense to me. I hope it speaks volumes to you. Please write me if you read this and need prayer. If you need understanding in a situation that you are in, Ask God. Pray this. "Open the eyes of my understanding, Lord." He says ask and you shall receive. Have a great day!

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